Hands-on Art History: A Quick Recap and Resource Guide

This fall we introduced a new program called Hands-on Art History for children ages 7-9. At this program we had short lessons on an aspect of art history including movements and specific artists. These lessons used images, picture books, and lots of discussion questions. Then we cemented what we learned with an easy, cool project!

If you were unable to come to this program, no worries we are starting it up again in January! However, if you did miss I wanted you to be able to replicate this activity at home and I wanted to credit the cool people whose lesson plans and ideas were incorporated into this program. To that end I have compiled a quick how-to complete with pictures and links to useful resources. So here we go!

Not what we made but really close to it!

Byzantine Art – Tissue Paper Mosaics

The Byzantine Empire (which existed roughly from 300 AD to 1300 AD) is famous for their intricate and beautiful mosaics. I would recommend showing a map of the Byzantine Empire and showing pictures of the mosaics–all easily obtained through Google. These mosaics were often not very realistic because the artists were more interested in expressing strong (often religious) emotions.

To make a tissue paper mosaic you will need:

  • Contact paper
  • Cardstock
  • Tissue paper

I got the idea for this project from a colleague at Goodnow Library, but a great example can be found at this blog full of child appropriate art projects. Simply cut out a frame from card stock and place a sheet of contact paper on one side, with the sticky side up. Stick small pieces of tissue paper to the sticky side of the contact paper to create a picture. (HINT: Draw your design on a piece of paper and lay it under the non-sticky side of the contact paper to make an easy outline to follow.) When you have finished placing your tissues paper squares seal the picture with another piece of contact paper sticky side to sticky side. That’s it! So easy!

Impressionism – Pointillism Paintings

Creating something like this!

Impressionism originated in Paris, France and become most famous in 1870-1880. The Impressionists were very interested color, line, and form and how that created art. They did not care about making what they were painting look real! I took some time to point out in Impressionist works how sometimes artists used colors creatively…like using green to make a skin tone! Impressionists were also some of the first artists who created art outside of an official studio, preferring to see their subjects in their natural world. Some of these artists include Van Gogh, Renoir, Monet, Manet, and Seurat. We focused specifically on Seurat whose method, called pointillism, used little and large dots of interesting color to create large scenes. This website helped me understand Seurat and Pointillism. Also, here are some library books you may want to consider using:

To make a pointillism painting you will need:

  • Thick paper (cardboard from clothing packaging works very well)
  • Pencil with a flat eraser
  • Paint of different colors (We used acrylics)

First draw a simple picture. Big large shapes work best for this project…fine details are difficult to capture. Then using the eraser end of the pencil dip it into paint and begin placing dots to fill in the picture you drew. That’s it! So easy. This website also has directions to do the project with watercolors and q-tips.

Last one now!

Abstract Expressionism – Marble Action Paintings

marbleactionFinally I can actually use one of my own pictures from our program! Abstract Expressionism is exactly what it sounds like…trying to convey thoughts, feelings, and ideas through abstract (not physically concrete) ways. This was a hard one to explain and I relied heavily on this lesson plan. This particular movement grew out of the confusion the world was left in after two world wars and the Great Depression. Life was very confusing and artists were finding new ways to express how they felt about the world. This included Jackson Pollock. I showed how his work begin realistic and steadily became more abstract over time ending on his famous “No. 1, 1950,” also called “Lavender Mist”. Part of Pollock’s technique was connecting to the painting physically on the ground while he painted and using extreme motion to create the painting. That’s why he was called Action Jackson! Whatever bits of dirt or straw or even screws that fell into the painting while he worked stayed there. A picture book that really helped explain his methods is Action Jackson by Jan Greenberg and Sandra Jordan.

To create a Pollock-esque marble action painting you will need:

  • Thick paper
  • A tray to hold your paper (and marbles)
  • Marbles
  • Paint of different thicknesses and colors in cups
  • Glitter

Drop marbles into all the different cups of paints and leave spoons in the cups. Place a piece of paper on the tray and then drop paint covered marbles onto the paper. Move the tray to make the marbles roll and create paint streaks and blobs. Leave the marbles in the tray as you add more paint-covered marbles and continue moving them around. Experiment with different colors, paint thicknesses, movements, and where you drop the marbles. Remove marbles after you are satisfied with the painting and drop them in water for cleaning. Add glitter to the painting if desired to add texture and shine. Another way to increase the educational value of this project is to assign the children tasks; for example, I asked the children to think of an emotion and try to express it through their abstract art. All of them were capable of doing this!

Thank you Inspire Dance Academy for our Toddler Creative Ballet Class!

It was such a treat to have Amanda Del Prete of Inspire Dance Academy host a dance class on Saturday, October 4th. Everyone was so well behaved and looked lovely! We were especially happy to partner with a local business to bring this wonderful opportunity to participate in art and exercise to the community. Thank you to everyone who came and hopefully we will see Amanda again in the spring!

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Happy Birthday Harry Potter!

July 31st was Harry Potter’s birthday and we celebrated at the library in style!

Enter through Platform 9 3/4!

photo 2

Everyone was sorted into their appropriate Hogwarts house.

sortingWe visited Ollivander’s and made our own magic wands.


Played a little quidditch…quidditchGot mistaken for a wanted wicked wizard…

wanted1 wanted3 wanted4And ate some treats from Honeydukes!

cupcakesThanks everyone for coming! You were all so fabulous!

thanksthanks2hp_party 008

P.S. Sorry about so many pictures…I know they say “less is more”, but I couldn’t resist. 🙂

Author to visit the library Saturday, May 31st!

Author and illustrator David Hyde Costello is coming to Medway Library! With stories and songs this is sure to be a fun-filled morning.

Mr. Costello will be at the library at 10:30 AM!

Following his presentation you can stick around and make your own instruments out of recyclable materials. Check out our pinterest board for inspiration.

Hope to see you there!


Mad Science of Greater Boston presents Che-Mystery!


Saturday, May 17th from 10:30-11:30 AM.

For ages 7-12

Space is limited so register in advance! 

Take the mystery out of chemistry! This workshop introduces children to the world of chemistry through hands-on fun, discussions, and demonstrations. The children will explore one of the most exciting and fundamental sciences by experimenting with and observing various chemicals, potions, and solutions in action. They’ll explore the difference between physical and chemical reactions, watch stryofoam reduced to a puddle of goo, and see camphor provide the chemical equivalent of an outboard motor…all chemistry in motion. The kids will then get to apply the knowledge of chemical processes to make their own Mad Science bouncy ball.

This program is funded through the Walpole CFCE Program, through the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care’s Coordinated Family and Community Engagement Grant.

Book Spine Poetry Workshop

Join us for a Book Spine Poetry Workshop for independent readers on April 22, 2014 at 2:30 PM!

Register here: https://medwaychildrenslibrary.wordpress.com/register-for-upcoming-events/

Book Spine poems are a good way to practice reading and writing, and it helps you see what cool materials the library has. Not sure what a book spine poem is? You stack up books so that their titles make a poem. They can be funny or serious and about anything you want! Here are a few examples using books from our picture book collection.

Read With Me Book Club

September 27

I don’t understand

the poem about the red wheelbarrow

and the white chickens

and why so much depends upon



If that is a poem

about the red wheelbarrow

and the white chickens

then any words

can be a poem.

You’ve just got to





This month for Read With Me Book Club we are reading a novel in verse, Love That Dog by Sharon Creech, to get ready for National Poetry Month. Jack isn’t sure about this whole poetry thing but his teacher Miss Stretchberry encourages him to keep writing. To find out more about Jack and Miss Stretchberry read the book and come to book club!