Thank you Inspire Dance Academy for our Toddler Creative Ballet Class!

It was such a treat to have Amanda Del Prete of Inspire Dance Academy host a dance class on Saturday, October 4th. Everyone was so well behaved and looked lovely! We were especially happy to partner with a local business to bring this wonderful opportunity to participate in art and exercise to the community. Thank you to everyone who came and hopefully we will see Amanda again in the spring!

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Happy Birthday Harry Potter!

July 31st was Harry Potter’s birthday and we celebrated at the library in style!

Enter through Platform 9 3/4!

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Everyone was sorted into their appropriate Hogwarts house.

sortingWe visited Ollivander’s and made our own magic wands.


Played a little quidditch…quidditchGot mistaken for a wanted wicked wizard…

wanted1 wanted3 wanted4And ate some treats from Honeydukes!

cupcakesThanks everyone for coming! You were all so fabulous!

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P.S. Sorry about so many pictures…I know they say “less is more”, but I couldn’t resist. 🙂